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A female, age 60 plus, that I had not seen for 6 years came in complaining of hot flashes, anxiety, emotionality, inability to fall sleep, and fatigue.

Her nervous system was in a thriving mode and the right brain was in charge of the body. Her endocrine system was dysfunctional. I tested to see which organ was the problem among the pituitary, thyroid, liver, reproductive organs, or adrenals. It was the liver. Its job it is to keep the body chemically balanced. Further muscle testing indicated that a specific liver flush would assist in cleansing her liver and gallbladder. She was given nutrients to help her relax during this testing process.

My priority with any patient is to make sure there three major controlling systems (nervous, endocrine, and immune) are functioning in an integrated and healthy fashion. Nutritional intervention to assist this integration helps people become healthy faster resulting in less expense to patient. Without the liver working properly all systems will become imbalanced.

Two weeks later the client reported feeling better all-around and testing showed that her endocrine system was functioning better. The big question for me was “why was the liver needing detoxification in the first place?” By using Applied Kinesiology (AK), it was determined that the small intestine was making her liver toxic. Testing the immune system against the small intestine caused a weakness. It turned out that something that killed parasites negated the weakness and did not stress her liver in the process.

After taking the anti-parasitic, she returned in 4 weeks time all smiles. Her original symptoms were resolved. Her only complaint was a right-sided neck pain which had lasted for four days. On further questioning she related that her right side had bothered her off and on through time (kidney stone, hip pain, and right ankle pain). Using AK her right thigh muscle weakened while touching her neck. Challenging her right ankle against her thigh resulted in weakness while standing. Her right ankle’s arch was dropped, resulting in a structural weakness on the right side. I was curious about the other two sides of the health triangle as well. I challenged the tibialis (arch) muscle with SAMe (S-adenosylmethionine). This caused it to weaken, meaning that the detoxification process was causing the liver to be stressed.

Since, she has a history of emotional swings, I asked if either of her parents had cardiovascular or mental/emotional problems? She answered yes on both accounts.

Excess homocysteine is related to cardiovascular disease and neurotransmitter (serotonin, dopamine and nor epinephrine) problems. Norepinephrine is related to a spinal torque involving the right leg and left arm. The circle is complete! Inability to metabolize homocystinine interferes with norepinephrine resulting in right leg muscle weakness and breakdown of the arch in the right foot. Folic acid, B6, and B12 are major nutrients needed to breakdown homocysteine, and none of them strengthened the weakness. Neither did Folocal, P-5-P, or methylcobalamine. When I tested 5-MTHF everything strengthened. She chewed and swallowed it with water.

It took about five minutes to explain what had been found. After that I could not find another weakness.

The activation of folic acid is determined by genetics. Most likely she has some limitation in the amount of folic acid she can change into the active form (5-MTHF), resulting in a limitation in her body’s ability to detoxify naturally. This ultimately was stressing her liver and led to the several symptoms she came in with.

Although this process may seem complex to the lay person, you will appreciate how effective it was in understanding and resolving a group of symptoms. By using a combination of muscle-testing and nutritional input, over a relatively short period of time, a pattern emerged that brought clarity to the overall condition described by seemingly unrelated maladies.

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